Blue Sky Builders specializes in high quality green building, and in the kind of thinking and doing that will achieve the best possible end product. The focus of our approach is on sustainable design, energy efficiency, utility, healthy environments and comfortable living spaces.
Most of Blue Sky Builders’ work is high-end custom residential homes and renovations. Historic homes and buildings have a special place in our hearts, and we welcome opportunities to perform sensitive upgrades and repurposing. We also build light commercial projects such as offices, restaurants and hotels. Self-sufficient homesteads and secure homes are a priority for us, and we will help you to design and construct a refuge from the crazy world. We enjoy challenging projects, especially those that are creative and forward thinking. Many of our clients have special needs or unusual desires that standard builders do not understand.
Why You Should Choose Blue Sky Builders
Choose Blue Sky Builders if you want high quality work with consistent attention to detail and a beautiful and healthy end product. We specialize in this kind of work, and don’t try to compete with the mainstream builders who can’t achieve the level of quality and performance that we can. We stake our reputation on our integrity as business people and on the performance and look of the end product.
Green Building & Being an Environmental Contractor
Blue Sky Builders has always worked in a conscientious manner that respects the environment and creates healthy spaces for the end user. Each year we learn more and get better at this. Some projects are more green than others. In recent years we have declined to build projects which do not strive towards the green model in some way. We utilize the best materials and methods to create energy-efficient, healthy and comfortable living environments.
Blue Sky Builders Cost Comparison
We are cost competitive with other high quality builders, less expensive than most and more expensive than some. We do not try to be the cheapest guys around, but try to give a good value to our clients. We are efficient builders who use funds wisely.
Blue Sky Builders Crew & Suppliers
We have been building for 30 years and have good, local people working for and with us. Most are technically considered independent contractors, and as such have their own tools, phones and trucks. By structuring the work force this way, people are engaged when they can be of best use, and directed to do the kind of work they are best at. We take special care to seek out the best around, and to treat them well. We are able to buy from a wide field of suppliers, and have accounts with all the local purveyors of building-related materials and equipment.
Blue Sky Builders Prioritizes Safety
All jobsites have first aid kits and fire extinguishers. All workers have access to safety gear, in case they do not have their own. All tools are maintained in top condition. All ladders and scaffolding are heavy duty rated. David has completed the OSHA Construction Safety course, and holds certificates for First Aid and CPR. Proficiency certificates are on file for forklift and crane operation. Blue Sky has its own Safety Plan, which is utilized on all commercial projects in order to ensure OSHA compliance. We hold regular safety meetings with crew and subs. More than all this though is the attitude of safety which is ingrained in all of us after years of working in the trades and seeing what can happen if you are careless.

Who is Blue Sky Builders?
Blue Sky Builders is owned and operated by David Holubetz. David grew up in Wisconsin working on his father’s rental and spec house renovation projects, imbued with a strong work ethic and a compulsion for organization and efficiency. After studying business management in college he moved to Colorado to live in the beautiful mountains of Telluride. Working for a number of local contractors in almost all of the trades, David started his own business in 1993. Self-performing the work onsite and alongside the other trades gave him an insider’s education into the building process.
Many years and many projects later, David continues to take a hands-on approach to all projects. With a broad range of experience in both residential and commercial construction projects ranging from renovations and additions to large houses and hotels, and with a special knowledge of environmental building technologies and related issues, David leads Blue Sky Builders from within.
David spends much of his time at the jobsite and is the single point of contact for clients all the way through the building process. He has a team of people supporting the project, but when you need answers or direction, you get David.