Blue Sky Builders has completed over 40 projects, including building many Telluride custom homes, since our inception in 1993. Below are some of our favorite custom homes, renovations, commercial builds and more (a complete project list can be provided on request). In those instances where Blue Sky Builders has been project manager while working for other general contractors on a project, the general contractor is credited.

So Inclined
Spec House / Telluride CO / Project Management & Supervision
Berman Residence
Custom Renovation & Addition / Telluride, Colorado / Contractor
Telluride Style
Publishing Office Buildout / Telluride, Colorado / Contractor
Fall Creek
Custom Home / Telluride, Colorado / Carpenter
Gold Belt Building
Commercial Apartments / Telluride Colorado / Contractor
Hoeksema House
Healthy House / Ridgway, Colorado / Contractor
Hotel Telluride
Commercial Hotel / Telluride, Colorado / Project Management
Pleasant Point
Custom Home / Ridgway, Colorado / Carpenter
Sheridan Opera House
Historic Building Renovations / Telluride, Colorado / Contractor
Kennedy Cabin
Kennedy Cabin / Telluride Colorado / Contractor
Fir Street
Custom Homes / Telluride, Colorado / Project Management
Markham – Martersteck
Custom Homes / Ridgway, Colorado / Superintendent